Sponsored ‘bridal’ walk raises funds for children’s charity
Written by Emma on 1st July 2019

Kind-hearted bridal shop employees have held a sponsored walk in aid of the charity Children Today.
Gill Morris and Carole Brown from the Ivory Promise bridal shop in Bolton (pictured with Liz Oakes, Regional Fundraising Manager from Children Today in centre) took on the challenge of walking around the three large reservoirs Turton, Jumbles and Wayoh from Jumbles all to raise much-needed funds to help us provide grants for specialised equipment for children and young people with disabilities.
Liz Oakes comments: “At Children Today we’re celebrating the 25th anniversary of the charity this year and we’re delighted to have managed to change the lives of many families across the UK in that time.
“To mark this, I’m hoping to encourage 25 businesses just like the Ivory Promise bridal shop to join in with fundraising events and would love to hear from anyone interested.”