If you want to fundraise for Children Today you may have lots of amazing ideas on how to boost your funds. This page offers help and advice on fundraising activities and events with tips on current legislation regarding fundraising.
Anyone undergoing any fundraising activity in aid of Children Today needs to make sure the activity they are organising meets any required legal requirements – but if you have any questions then please do contact us.
Raffles are a great way to raise funds quite easily, however there are a number of things you need to take into account to keep your raffle legal such as not selling tickets to anyone under 16. We recommend getting prizes donated and avoiding any alcohol or cash prizes. Once you know what kind of raffle you’d like to hold we recommend visiting The Institute of Fundraising to check that your raffle will meet current legislation. You can view a set of their guidelines on raffles here.
Public events: For a public event (eg from a bake sale to a quiz night) you may need public liability insurance and meet food safety laws. For more information about the regulations you will need to consider, visit the Fundraising Regulator’s website for their advice and tips on holding community events here.
Please remember if you would like to promote your event through your own flyers/posters, call us first on 01244 335622 to get permission to use our logo and to receive our brand guidelines. You must ensure our Charity Registration Number and name is included on all printed materials.
Collections: Remember it’s illegal to collect in a public place (or door-to-door) without a license and we do not recommend doing this for reasons of safety. For a collection on private ground eg at a local supermarket or at a place of work, you would need the permission of the building owner. There are also legal age restrictions on those collecting money. For advice from the Fundraising Regulator on collections click here.
We ask that any volunteers doing any fundraising activity in aid of Children Today have read and meet the Fundraising Regulator’s Key Principles and Behaviours and also fully understand the rules on the handling of donations in the Code of Fundraising Practice.