Meet Gemma
Adapted car seat
Gemma was born with Spina Bifida and hydrocephalus which means she is unable to stand or walk. She required a specialist car seat to keep her safe and comfortable on journeys and also to make it easier for her parents to transfer her in and out of the family car as she is fully dependent on them to move her.
Adaptations on this special car seat include a swivel base which makes the difficult manoeuvre of getting Gemma in and out of the car much more manageable with less risk to both Gemma and her parents. The seat also has much better postural support to help keep her in a safe and comfortable upright position whilst in the car and reduce any risk of her injuring herself.
With no funding available for the family and the right equipment costing almost £2,000, Gemma’s mum Elenor was recommended to contact us to find out if we could help. We provided funding for the full amount needed of £1979.