Meet Jasper

Jasper on the trike

Meet Jasper

Adapted trike

Jasper has never been one to let disability stand in his way. Despite being born with Cerebral Palsy and facing a very poor prognosis, Jasper, now 20, is thriving and according to his mum Sarah “he’s a bit of a daredevil and loves anything to do with speed!”

Jasper on his trike


Children Today heled provide a recumbent trike for Jasper three years ago and we caught up to see how he’s getting on and find out whether his adapted trike is still living up to his thrill-seeking nature!

Sarah explains:

“Jasper’s always had a passion for bikes and having a very active older brother made him even more determined to give everything he possibly could a good go. When he got his first trike it gave him a real sense of liberation, and that desire to be as free and independent as possible has never dissipated.

“The recumbent trike actually looks quite cool and is a real head-turner, which was a great boost for Jasper as in his own words ‘it’s nice to be looked at for a different reason’. He likes the fact that people can’t tell he’s disabled when he’s on the trike. Some adapted equipment has look a bit ‘babyish’ but Jasper’s a young man and naturally wanted something that looked slicker! He did most of the research into the trike himself and 

“It’s also been crucial in helping him to build muscle control and strength, which is vital with his condition. The trike has been amazing for Jasper’s fitness!”  

Jasper is currently studying Motor-Sport Management at The University of Wales Trinity St David. He is equally happy cycling on tarmac at special track events at Castle Coombe race circuit or getting off road in the countryside on his trike when at home in Wiltshire.