Meet Roxi

A thirteen year old girl in her school uniform - a black and white checked skirt, black blazer, white shirt and red tie - stands in her doorway

Meet Roxi

'Smart Drive'

12-year-old Roxi Aldrich, from Colchester, is navigating her new school with ease thanks to charity funding for a ‘smart drive’ – an electric attachment for her manual wheelchair.

Roxi, who was born with Diplegic Cerebral Palsy, made the decision to become a full-time wheelchair user following years of major surgeries to try and help her walk independently.

Roxi’s dad, Joe, says:

“We’d always hoped that one-day Roxi would be able to walk without assistance but it’s not to be. Over the years she’s undergone a number of invasive operations and despite everything she has been through – with more than enough scars to prove it – Roxi has grown into a kind, caring, intelligent and occasionally sassy pre-teen, who we’re very proud of.”


The autonomy that the smart-drive brings with it is invaluable and will be beneficial long into Roxi’s future

In September 2014 and following a huge fundraising campaign, Roxi was one of the youngest patients ever in the UK to have a revolutionary operation known as a Selective-Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) – a procedure that will hopefully mean she avoids a lifetime of tightness and pain in her legs.

Following more fundraising efforts, in February 2016 Roxi had her third major operation to reduce tightness in her heels at St Lois Children’s Hospital, USA and most recently in June 2019, she had a major hip operation at GOSH.

Joe continues:

“Unfortunately, while the surgeries have undoubtedly helped alleviate tightness and pain in Roxi’s legs, she’s not able to walk without mobility aids. It is incredibly tiring for her putting so much of her energy into trying to walk, but Roxi wants to be as active and independent as she possibly can, so she’s put in a lot of work to be able to self-propel herself in her manual wheelchair.

“Roxi feels very strongly that an electric wheelchair isn’t the right choice for her, however with the prospect of high school looming we started to look into other options that would allow her more freedom and independence as she gets older. At primary school Roxi managed well, but her secondary school is a big campus and with her needing to move about between classrooms more frequently we were concerned Roxi would be exhausted navigating a much larger site every day.”

After seeing the smart-drive at an exhibition and trying it out, it was clear that it would make a big difference to Roxi. However, at a cost of over £4,000 the family reached out to Children Today Charitable Trust for financial support towards the equipment.

Emma Prescott, charity director at Children Today says:

“We were thrilled to be able to give Roxi and her family the good news that they could go ahead and order this life-changing equipment, thanks to our partnership with the Essex Community Foundation and its donor the Douglas Allen Foundation.

“The transition to becoming a teenager for those with a disability can be challenging as they seek greater freedom and independence, so having the right equipment to enable more autonomy is crucial. It’s fantastic to see and hear how much of a difference having the smart drive has made to Roxi as she navigates this next chapter!”

Joe continues:

“Naturally, starting a new school can be a nerve-wracking time, but now that she has the smart-drive it’s one less thing to worry about. It means she can concentrate on achieving academically, rather than using all her energy getting around the school.”

The smart drive is easily detached and reattached, meaning it can be transferred between wheelchairs, and therefore will potentially last a lifetime.

“As Roxi matures the autonomy that the smart-drive brings with it is invaluable and will be beneficial long into her future. We’re very grateful”, adds Joe.

Michael Wright, Douglas Allen Operations Director, says:

“It’s wonderful to be able to support children like Roxi as supporting and giving back to our community is one of the most important values we have at Douglas Allen estate agents. We are grateful to hear about Roxi’s new independence with her smart drive attachment. We hope to help keep changing the lives of so many more children across East London and Essex with the Douglas Allen Foundation.”


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