Paying in the funds you raise

Thank you for choosing to support Children Today through your fundraising activity – as we get no funding from the government or NHS these funds are vital for us to continue to do the great work we do. There are a number of ways to pay in the money you have raised:

By phone

Please call our team on 01244 335622 to make a payment over the phone by credit or debit card. If you’d prefer to do a bank transfer then we can also help with this over the phone. 

By Post

Send us a cheque made payable to ‘Children Today Charitable Trust’ to: Children Today, Unit 17B Telford Court, Chestergates Business Park, Chester CH1 6LT with a note saying which event your funds raised were with regards to

Through our website

You can make an online donation by clicking here – again please put in the comments what event/activity the funds you raised were with regards to. 

Through an online fundraising page

If you’ve raised money through a Justgiving page then just make sure you have selected our charity as your charity of choice and the money will come direct to us. Any further funds you raise can be paid to us over the phone, by post or through the donate page on our website.