Immy will finally be able to ride a bike like her friends thanks to generous donations
Written by Lexi Heselwood on 4th April 2022
*** Update ***
We’d like to say a huge thank you to everyone who donated to Immy’s appeal. She’s now met her fundraising target for an adapted trike!
On behalf of Immy, her family and from us at Children Today we want to say a massive thank you to those who shared and donated. You’ve played a huge part in changing this little girl’s life for the better.

Immy is so excited that she’s finally going to be able to ride a bike with her friends!
While Immy has reached her target for her adapted trike, there are still lots of other children just like her, waiting for life-changing equipment, so if you would like to please feel free to donate to her campaign using the link below to help more children in her name!
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Seven-year-old Imogen – Immy to her friends and family – is desperate for an adapted trike so she can join her friends on bike rides for the first time.
The family has managed to secure £1,500 towards the trike but at a cost of over £3,800 the family reached out to Children Today for additional support. We’ve pledged a further £1000, but they need to raise £1,319 more to help Immy’s dream come true.
The fundraising appeal has already raised over £1000, but Immy still needs just £89 to finally get her adapted trike. To make a donation to Immy’s appeal, please click the button below!
Immy has unilateral cerebral palsy, affecting her right side, and is partially sighted, due to complications at birth. She also has a skull fracture, meaning she is at serious risk of injury if she sustains any impact to her head.

Immy suffered a skull fracture at birth, meaning she’s at serious risk of injury if she sustains any impact to her head
But despite the challenges she faces she is “fiercely independent” according to her mum, Sarah, which is one of the reasons she’s desperate to be able to ride a bike on her own.
Due to her condition, Immy is unable to ride a regular bike as she struggles to pedal and due to her vision impairment and the weakness in her right side, tends to veer to the left.
Sarah explains:
“Immy’s never been able to ride a bike. In the past we’ve been able to help steer in the right direction on a standard bike with stabilisers, but it’s not the same as feeling that freedom of cycling on your own. As she’s got older and bigger, that’s just not an option anymore as you can’t get bikes that are suitable for her age and size, with stabilisers on.
“Immy also tires much quicker than a child of similar age and she doesn’t have the stability and strength to ride a regular bike without the additional support for her feet and legs.”
When Immy trialled an adapted Tomcat trike and was able to ride solo for the first time ever she squealed with delight, and has been asking ever since “when can I get my own trike mummy?”

When Immy trialled the Tomcat trike she squealed with delight
You can watch a video of Immy during the Tomcat trike trial and hear her squeals of delight here!
The trike is specifically engineered to suit Immy’s needs, with callipers to stabilise her feet and legs, back support and a lap belt to help keep her upright and safe, as well as a function that corrects her when she veers to the left.
When we asked Immy what she thought of the trike, she said:
“I really like that I can’t fall off. It’s really good fun and I can race away from Daddy fast!”
We also asked Immy how excited she is to get her own trike, to which she replied “I’m an enormous bit excited!”
Not only will the trike benefit Immy from a social perspective – enabling her to play and enjoy time with her friends – it also has huge health benefits.
Sarah continues:
“The trike will be amazing for Immy’s physio too and provide a way of getting daily exercise. We go swimming regularly, which is vital to help build Immy’s muscle tone, strength and stamina, but we’re obviously limited to opening times and set lessons. With the trike she’ll be able to cycle to school every day!
“I’m so proud of Immy, she really is amazing. She’s been through so much but she takes everything in her stride. She finds so many ways to do two-handed tasks with one hand, but unfortunately without this adapted trike, cycling just isn’t something within her capabilities.
“She’s so independent and wants to do whatever her peers can, so it would be amazing to give her the gift of that feeling of fun and freedom, cycling along with her friends!”

Sarah described how proud she that Immy has taken all the hospital appointments and tests in her stride
To donate to Immy’s appeal click here!
Any funds raised over and above what is needed to provide this equipment will go towards helping fund vitally important equipment for other vulnerable children and young people living with a disability.